今日生肖相冲查询 2019年10月21日
Gregorian calendar 2019-10-21 Monday, September 23, Lunar
What is today: Rabbit
What is it today? :兔日冲(乙酉)鸡
Today's hour contrast table
Child time 23:00-00:59, Gengzi, Chong (Jiawu) Ma, Weinan, Division Life ecliptic, Kyrgyz
ugly 01:00-02:59, Xin ugly, rushing (B not) sheep, Jidong, hook Chen gangster, fierce
寅 03:00-04:59 , 壬寅 ,, Chong (Bingshen) monkey, Yubei, Qinglong ecliptic, Ji
卯 05:00-06:59, 癸卯,, 冲(丁酉)鸡,煞西,明堂黄道,吉
When Chen Chen 07:00-08:59, when Achen, Chong (Wuyi) dog, Minnan, interception of the underworld, fierce
巳时09:00-10:59, 巳 巳, 冲(Jihai) pig, Jidong, interception of the underworld, fierce
11:00-12:59 at noon, Bingwu, Chong (Gengzi) rat, Yubei, Jinyu ecliptic, Ji
From 13:00-14:59, Ding Weishi, Chong (Xin ugly) cattle, Daisy, Tiande Huangdao, Ji
Shen Shi 15:00-16:59, Wu Shenshi, Chong (壬寅) tiger, 煞, Baihu gangster, fierce
酉时 17:00-18:59, 酉 ,, 冲 (癸卯) rabbit, 煞东, 玉堂黄道, 吉 (day break)
戌时19 :00-20:59, when Geng, when (Chen Chen) Dragon, Yubei, Tianzhu gangster, fierce
at 21:00-22:59 at the time of the sea, Xinhai, rushing (Eight 巳) snake, Daisy, Xuanwu underworld, fierce
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