Which season is born with willow mutual? What is the most worthy of the Yangliu Wood?
Which season is born with willow mutual?
Willow, who is born in spring, the most prosperous. Spring wood is done, willows who have born in the spring, the might of time, the momentum of the life is the most prosperous. Specific to spring three months: 月 入 入 入 季 孩子 孩子 孩子 孩子 孩子 孩子 孩子 孩子 孩子 孩子 孩子 孩子 孩子 孩子 气 孩子 土 气 土 孩子 气 气 气 气 进 气 进 进 衰 进 气 衰 气 气 衰 衰 衰 衰 衰 衰 衰 衰 衰 衰 衰 衰;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; BeWillow martial arts that is born in summer, the child's moon is final. Summer fire is made, and the wood fire is born in the summer, and the fire is exhausted, and the fire consumes its own strength, and it is too strong, so it is not very popular. BeWillow, who is born in the fall, the weakest. Autumn gold dodge, Jindu, Jin Wang's restraint of wood, will will will will will will will will will will will will will will will will will will will will will will will will will will will will will will will will will will will will will will will will will will will will will will will will will will will will will will will will will will and her people in the fall. BeBorn in winter, you need to save the power to wait. Winter water is made, aquatic wood, although it is generally a mother-in-law, but the winter is cold, whether it is a wood or herme, it is growing weak, and it is necessary to accumulate strength. So the winter birth of the willow, who needs to save the power to wait.
What is the most worthy of the Yangliu Wood?
Yangliu Mood + Covering Fire First, the lanterns are more popular, and the ability is superior. Yangliu martial arts can bring good luck to the lantern, although the personality is not the same, it is very easy to come.