
2020-09-21 21:39:26

Lead: Pray for a lot of time to choose auspicious days, then the winter solstice of 2019 is not good, the winter solstice should not go out at night? The lunar calendar November is the first month of the winter every year, which means the arrival of winter. I want to test the word network and learn about the 2011 lunar calendar in November!


Is it good to pray for the winter solstice in 2019?

2019 Winter Solstice Yellow Calendar Enquiry:

Gregorian Calendar: Sunday, December 22, 2019, Capricorn

Lunar Calendar: November 27, 2019, Value God → Yuan Wu (Underworld) Day)

Years: Jihai Year, Zodiac Pig, Bingzi Month, Next Day

Chongxi: Chongzhu (Dinghai) Jidong

Today's Best [Daily Value Breaking Do Not Use]: Praying Marriage 娶安床 for the stove sacrifice 祀 采 赴 赴 赴 嗣 嗣 嗣 嗣 嗣 嗣 嗣 嗣 嗣 嗣 竖 竖 竖 竖 竖 竖 竖 竖 竖 竖 竖 竖 竖 竖 竖 竖 竖 竖 竖 竖 竖 竖 竖 竖 竖 竖 栽 栽 栽 栽 栽 栽 栽 栽 栽 栽 栽Shipment into the 殓 殓 柩 启 启 启 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [

Comprehensively, the contents of the above-mentioned yellow calendar can be known that today's day belongs to [the day value is not broken.] It is a broken day. Therefore, the winter solstice of 2019 is not a blessing for the ecliptic, so the 2019 winter solstice should not be prayed. It is recommended to choose another day!

2019年冬至祈福好不好,冬至当天晚上不宜出门吗?(图文) 1

Is it not appropriate to go out on the night of the winter solstice?

Winter solstice should not go out at night: 昼 Short night long

The winter solstice is the shortest day in the northern hemisphere and the longest day in the day, and the people in ancient times did not have the night. The night market is brightly lit. It is very inconvenient for people in ancient times to go out at night, so people in ancient times will go home early before dark.

Winter solstice should not go out to say: weather factors

the arrival of the winter solstice, marking the coldest time of the year is coming, this time is often a disease cold At the peak, so the winter solstice can go back earlier, or go back early, and the home at night is definitely safer than wandering outside.

Winter solstice should not go out to say: Ghost Festival

The winter solstice is not only one of the 24 solar terms, but also an important festival of sacrifice in China. In many places, there is a custom of worshipping ancestors on the day of the winter solstice, and the yin is heavy when the winter solstice goes to the grave, so it usually goes home soon after the sacrifice.

2019年冬至祈福好不好,冬至当天晚上不宜出门吗?(图文) 2

Expanding content---About the winter solstice

"Winter solstice" is the turning point of the south of the sun. After this day, it will take the "return road", direct sunlight Beginning to move northward from the Tropic of Cancer, the white hemisphere in the northern hemisphere will grow day by day.

The Southern Dynasties Liang Ren Cui Lingen wrote "Sanli Yizong" records: (Winter Solstice) has three meanings: one is the cathode, the two yang is the beginning, the three are going south, so it is also the winter solstice. "The ancients thought that the winter solstice was "阴阳日是预测一年的降雨和寒冷的好时机,甚至是明年的好运气。

冬至,也称为冬季节日,大冬天,亚洲年,小年,长节。 《淮南子》记载:“从冬天到第四十六天和春天。


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