
2019-11-26 12:01:01

痣 都有 都有 我们 我们 我们 我们 我们 我们 我们 我们 我们 我们 我们 我们 我们 我们 我们 我们 我们 我们 我们 我们 我们 我们 我们 我们 我们 我们 我们 我们 我们 我们 我们 我们 我们 我们 我们 我们 我们 我们 我们 我们 我们 我们 我们 我们 我们What? Let's take a look at it together!


The foot has a power to have a power

It is said that "the foot is one star, and one can hold a thousand soldiers." In fact, a foot on a star means that the person has a reputation and power, and the "star" (痣) is best placed near the sole of the foot. Twins are on the toes, which means that the person is smart, has special talents and talents, and a Hong Kong that needs to be brain-rich is absolutely lucky. If the birth is in the foot, it means that the person does something that he has to walk often or often go out to, such as boating and transportation.

There are cockroaches on the soles of the feet, and you can't say them

People who have a slap in the foot of the scholastics often give high praise and can be at the best. expensive. In the history books, there are many records about this, and it can also explain the accuracy of its fulfillment. Therefore, when you find that there is a flaw in the bottom of your foot, you should cherish it, because it is a symbol of wealth and purity.

What are the different positions on the feet?

The toes of the big toes: This is the so-called "named power" because the thumb is in power, on the toes The person who gave birth to the oyster said that he was a leader.

Other toes have shackles: This is the so-called "sports in the hometown", such people run forever in the east, mostly laboring lives.

There are cockroaches on the instep: this is the so-called "two-legged non-stop", such a human life is not very good, life-long work, running around.

The soles of the soles of the feet: It is the so-called "peaks and phases". People of this type can be the head of the place and command one side.

Long shackles between the toes: Such people are usually very rich, which means that money exists in the inside, it is a good symbol.

The side of the foot and the ankle are long: such a person is also a life-like life.

The ankle is long: This is the so-called "many servant". Such a person can manage many people and is a life-like life.

The footsteps of the seven stars: the so-called "foot seven stars, can control the world soldiers", novels or movies are also mentioned. In real life, people with seven scorpions at the bottom of their feet are indeed good people. According to the book, people with such characteristics often have the opportunity to become leaders in various industries, such as group presidents, student leaders, and even national leaders. But those who have such characteristics, if not properly educated, may become bad guys who are treacherous and evil.



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人背痣穷一生说法对吗 是指哪里 能信吗



原标题:男孩或女孩,三个地方有幸福和吉祥痣30岁以后,事业蓬勃发展 我们都知道有善恶点,人体的每个部分都会成长但不是每一句话都是吉祥,幸福和幸福,一些不同部分的长度,不同的颜色,那么意义就会完全不同


原标题:通过下巴判断一个人的潜在人格,并快速学习 首先,方形下巴 爱脸的人对脸很热情,容易得罪人。他们在爱情中也非常固执,他们将因为无法理解的人而被解雇。一旦他们产生了爱


原标题:痣相分析:那些在这些地方有长位的人有“七步” 1,有痣 人的耳朵,如果有一个咒骂的话,它在总理中被称为聪明。耳中的人通常是一个非常聪明的人。这种人会非常富有。而且非常幸运


原标题:人们中最富有的四只黑蟑螂,你有它吗? ◆◆◆ 1。口角有黑蟑螂 口角黑蟑螂的麻木其中,天界吉星还活着。虽然有许多祝福,但分布不均匀,早期较少,后期较多


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在面部护理中,眉毛的出现会直接影响一个人的脸部和命运,而无论眉毛长与短,长喙的位置也会影响到该人的脸部。今天,让我们看一下女人的眉毛问题。 经常说“眉毛上的珠子”是丰富的阶段
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