10画属火的字有哪些 属火的吉祥字

2019-12-18 12:05:01

10 What are the words which belong to fire? Everyone uses it every day, and the text still has five elements. The 10 paintings are fire characters, and many people do n’t know. So, which of the 10 painted characters belong to fire? What is the auspicious word of fire? Lets come look.

10画属火的字有哪些 属火的吉祥字

10 paintings are words of fire

哧, disgrace, 翀, 娖, 玳, 、, jaundice, 紞, island, inverted

娣, 玷, daddy, 瓞, frozen, 恫, 蚪, 趸, 耿, Geng, bake

恍, 病, 晋, 珏, 倔, roast, lang, brand, mile, 娌

two, Liang, Liu, Lie, Ling, 瓴, Ling, Liu, Lu, Lun

倮, 耄, Na, Na, Na, 衲, 衲, 孬, can, mother, 娘

10画属火的字有哪些 属火的吉祥字 1

衄, oh, Qin, 恁, 朊, Rui, 蚋, 偌, 晒, 晌, 晌

Forgiveness, Shuo, 趿, Peptide, Thai, Tang, If, Discuss, set, special

pain, drawer, 倜, tian, pick, strip, court, tall, stubborn, 彖

、, 、, 秧, 烊, 窈, 舀, 舀, 旃, 旃, Exhibition, stand, treasure

朕, limb, value, rank, 舯, heart, grave, wish, 倬, 笫

10画属火的字有哪些 属火的吉祥字 2

belongs to the name of fire name

晴 蝶, 烨 贞, 婷 凌

甜 瑾, 婻, 偌

茜 乐, 童 昕, 裎 庭

秀 瑶, Yao Yi, Lu Xun

Yuni Lu, Lu Zhi, Yan Zhen

1 恋 诺, Shuo 哆, Yang 哆

Longxiao, Piao 姞, Yu 翎

俪 Xuan, Xi Liang, 郅 Listing

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