今日生肖相冲查询 2020年1月2日
Gregorian calendar 2020-1-2 Lunar calendar Thursday, the eighth day of December
What does today belong to: Dragon
What to rush today: Long Rihong ) Dog
Today's hour rushing comparison table
子时 23: 00-00: 59, Jiazi, rushing (wuwu) horse, Shanan, basalt underworld, fierce
When it is ugly 01: 00-02: 59, When it is ugly, Chong (jiwei) sheep, Shadong, Intercepting underworld, fierce
Yinshi 03: 00-04: 59, Bing Yinshi, Chong ( Gengshen) Monkey, Shabei, Sanhe Zodiac, Ji
卯时 05: 00-06: 59, Ding 卯 Shi, Chong (Xin 鸡) Chicken, Shaxi, Gouchen Underworld, Fierce
Chenshi 07: 00-08: 59, Wuchen shi, Chong (non- 戌) dog, Shanan, Qinglong Zodiac, Ji
Hour shi 09: 00-10: 59, Hour shi, Chong (Guihai) Pig, Shadong, Zodiac, Zodiac, Kyrgyzstan
at noon 11: 00-12: 59, at noon, rushing (jiazi) rat, Shabei, Tianxian underworld, fierce
未 时 13: 00-14: 59, Xin Weishi, Chong (Yugou) Bull, Shaxi, Suzaku Underworld, Fierce
Shi Shen 15: 00-16: 59, Ren Shen Shi, Chong (Bing Yin) Tiger, Sha South, King Zodiac, Kyrgyzstan
at 17: 00-18: 59, Kusaki, Chong (Dingji) Rabbit, Shadong, Tiande Zodiac, Kyrgyzstan
at 19: 00-20: 59 , Jiachi, Chong (Wuchen) Dragon, Shabei, White Tiger and Underworld, Fierce (Sun Break)
海 时 21: 00-22: 59, Yihai, Chong (巳) snake, Shaxi , Yutang Zodiac, Ji
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