
2023-11-03 22:26:14

Capricorn and Capricorn match

There will be few domestic issues of cleaning, finances and responsibility when two Cappys decide to shack up together. It's natural for all Capricorns to think of everything in terms of effectivity and organization. When two of the goats come together, at the very least one of them will show these classic traits and there will seldom be any practical issues worry about. On the other hand, not all things, states of being and issues are tangible and external in nature. Many Capricorns have trouble tuning into their own innermost feelings, and may shy away from coping with their own and other's emotions. This potential pitfall, as is quite obvious, can be intensified between two Capricorn lovers. They may feel a deep devotion and love towards one another, but constantly find it difficult to express it in a smooth and natural way.

However, if the two Capricorns can be open and sweet enough to each other (and there are no devastating bouts of power - a lot of Capricorns like to be the "boss", and this can definitely be a source of much grief ) this combination has an unusual lasting-power if love once is established. The earthy kinship will enable them to survive many storms, and they will emerge with a newfound respect for each other.

Capricorn and Aquarius match

In the olden days of astrology, Capricorn and Aquarius shared planetary ruler in the sombre, conservative Saturn. Quite a few astrologers believe that old rulerships still have their significance, and it is reasonable to assume that two signs that seem so different at the surface as Cappy and Aquarius indeed do have more common ground in reality. Aquarius is the reformer and Capricorn the conservator. Aquarius the rebel and Capricorn the authoritarian. Yet both have the capacity to leave their personal views and subjective opinions behind and focus on rationality. Both are sometimes accused of coldness and indifference. Both are detached and objective, yet Capricorn in a practical sense and Aquarius in an idealistic and intellectual manner.

I'm certain these signs can get along well also in a romantic relationship, but it is not likely a union characterized by a lot of heat, passion and romance. If Capricorn can soften up a bit and become a bit less fixed in their manners, and Aquarius can come down to earth and tone down their eccentricity, this can be a successful partnership or at least a long term friendship.

Capricorn and Pisces match

Capricorn and Pisces make an example of where different desires and lifestyles can merge nicely because of the mix of elements and temperaments: earth and water. Capricorn is practical and have great reserves of patience and endurance, something that many pisceans are in dire need of. Pisces in turn inspires Capricorn with creativity, faith and inner conviction. They can ride many storms together, but the relationship won't be problem-free. Pisces is the spiritual dreamer, poet and prophet but lacks discipline, something Capricorn can bring in high amounts. Capricorn can get annoyed by the vague and slippery nature of the Pisces, and by their constant unrealistic attitude. Pisces may find Capricorn to be a bit insensitive and lacking in empathy, and wishes they were less rigid and materialistic.

Both signs are thoughtful and bide their time, and both have periods of introversion and melancholy. As is so often the case, the success of the union depends on compromise. If there is a mutual will to tone down some of the personal characteristics, this can become a very long-lasting romance with a spare beauty of its own. One where the lovers are tolerant and give just enough of themselves without having to alter their characters at core. 



生肖属相的关系在中国文化中一直扮演着重要的角色,很多人在选择生意伙伴时也会考虑到对方的生肖,这是因为生肖可以判断出两个人是否合财。本文将讨论1982年出生的属狗人和1979年出生的属羊人是否适合合作。 一、属狗人和属羊人不合财 按照属相相合的角度看,属狗的和属羊的并不合财,因为狗鼠组合属于相




不同年代的人对待婚姻的态度不同。在过去,婚姻主要是遵循父母之命和媒妁之言的原则,门当户对很重要。随着社会的进步和开放,自由恋爱成为社会的主流。但是,人们的意识层面的变化也导致了婚姻的脆弱。那么,在1982年和1984年这两个年代出生的人,他们的婚姻幸福吗? 一、属狗人和属鼠人婚配中吉 如果1


属相配对是很多人在选择婚配时会考虑的一个问题。如果两个人的属相相配,那么这样的婚姻多半是幸福长久的。但是,如果两个人属相刑克,那么这样的婚姻其实是存在一定风险的。现代人离婚的情况比比皆是,有各种各样的原因,归根到底,彼此都是缘分已尽。那么,1982年与1980年相配吗? 一、属狗人和属猴人彼此


金牛座是土象星座之一,通常严肃、一丝不苟,具有很强的占有欲,他们在感情生活中常常隐藏自己的情感,让人难以看出他们最痴迷喜欢的星座性格,下面将简单介绍一下他们最喜欢的星座性格,以及他们合拍的星座。 金牛座最痴迷的星座 金牛座通常会被认为是一个很有占有欲和物质追求的星座,他们对于稳定、舒适的生活有着强烈


如果夫妻关系和谐,那么这样的生活是非常幸福的。很多人的婚姻从始至终都是磕磕碰碰的。但是我们可以通过属相来进行婚姻的预测。比如说,1983年出生的属猪人真诚善良,1986年出生的属虎人非常具有魄力。那么,1983年与1986年的属猪人和属虎人的配对好不好呢? 一、属猪人和属虎人之间彼此信任 1986




每个人都有一个属相,我们可以根据自己的出生年份和生肖配对,因为不同属相的人个性不同,婚姻状态也会产生差异。比如1983年出生的属猪人善良且有智慧,1976年出生的属龙人极具能力,那么,1983年与1976年的婚姻会幸福吗? 首先,属猪人和属龙人婚配是幸福的。在生活中,人们可以发现,属猪人不仅很温柔


在选择另一半时,我们必须考虑对方的人品、性格、以及控制情绪的能力,而不是被浮华的外表迷惑。如果你的生肖属猪且出生于1983年,那么你有着憨厚耿直的性格,并且拥有着好的财运,值得信赖。接下来,我们将详细了解1983年属猪人与哪些生肖最适合搭配。 一、属猪人和属虎人婚配六合 从五行命理来看,亥猪与寅虎


生肖配对与婚姻关系 从古至今,我们的老一辈人都很看重夫妻两个人的生肖是否相合,如果双方属相有刑克关系,这样的婚配一般不会得到长辈的认可和赞同。事实上,生肖配对是有一定道理的,这是因为不同的生肖命格不同,婚姻最终的结局也会不一样。 那么1983年与1987年的婚姻如何呢? 一、属猪人和属兔人性格
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