
2023-07-15 10:24:00
Taurus is ruled by Venus, the constellation Taurus is conservative, do not like change, stability is his attitude towards life. Taurus will not impatient impulses, only patience, who endure to be guided precisely to their portrayal, and they are very stubborn, when we decide to do, do not want to make any changes. Due to lack of security, unemployment is most afraid of the problems faced by Taurus, which means they lose the focus of life. Taurus men have the potential of male tendency, at home, not to speak, but the dignity of great importance; Taurus women on the one hand talk about reality, but it is also loved dressing up as the patron saint of Taurus is the embodiment of love and beauty Wiener Sri Lanka. They usually are slow-type Taurus

Will spend some time to adjust to a relationship, a job, an environment, but to adapt, they rarely change their own, unless it is forced. Taurus has artistic, with a high artistic taste and appreciation, but also natural gourmet. Advantages: full of passionately devoted patience to work with artistic talent down to earth in the end there are plans to adhere to a regular life, reliable Cons: stubborn too possessive, jealous stick to the rules too much too cautious, lacking the courage of innovative ideas


Eloquent and articulate, abnormal thinking, agile, quick thinking, but too often make you irritable, impatient. You will have the romantic and ironic sense of humor and can be eloquent. Good communication has a very flexible way to communicate tactfully, there is a very clever diplomacy, talking people feel pleasure. Taurus

[2] have the intellectual thinking jumping talent and creativity, like a lightning-quick comprehension, logical reasoning and learning ability. Emmanuel through intuitive insight to things, and often on the mysterious, interested in science fiction. But the thinking may be too jump, interest varied, weird does not meet the common sense, lack of patience and some qualitative. When studying superficial and groundless accusations relationships with friends, especially the relationship between men and women, lack of patience. This may be due to the distrust caused by the opposite sex.


Taurus people often been said to be hot and cold. But the others usually are mild, and when they really get angry when people say that will not cause any. They do not want to force others, hate to be forced. Is the one in front of them a bit dull appearance Hanhan, but in fact they are very smart, meticulous, everything in fact, in the eyes, minds are aware. They hate for something to explain or debate, so people always mistakenly think Taurus do not know anything. Taurus say greedy, but greedy and the pursuit of food is different. Taurus is very picky, just like the exquisite and delicious things. Like access to high-end restaurants, but also for cooking great deal of research. And in eating, they got a little older to anomalies. Taurus people will spend money well spent in terms of their view, should spend no flowers, so always make people feel they are very stingy and the love of money. But for people who love them is quite generous. Always happy in front of them, but inadvertently reveals the sad but thoughts and eyes. Arouses strong pain; proud but low self-esteem; Light but full of melancholy. They all have to see the world too thoroughly, but still willing to believe in the beauty. Taurus people have a characteristic, they who are very gentle. But that does not is because you are fond of you fishes gentle, because they themselves like that. Therefore, always have many, many misunderstandings, so often a bunch of suitors, but also refuses to change of heart. Generally is not like love at first sight on the Taurus type, but rather slowly in touch with the Taurus after the love, the contact will find that Taurus is a very attractive sign. They usually have a good appearance, but have a strong ambition. However, this ambition has never been easy to detect, they are good at strategizing, treat things like control the overall situation. They are easy to see through a person's heart, but still maintain a good demeanor. As the spring constellation Taurus, and its rustic flavor is more intense than the Pisces and Aries. But if you think they can be bullied stupid, think again, this is a birth of Lenin, Robespierre, and the constellation of Saddam is the only star of the king can make fear of the constellation Leo. Taurus people have an inherent power, and Scorpio the chill of the air is different is that its power is dynamic. Taurus

[3] Taurus for their loved ones, is indeed very thoughtful attention, but also very easy to get hurt. However, even if the Who is Who is the play seriously, Taurus, but points very clearly. They may be stubborn and have strong self-control, so in general will not affect their values, judgments, most of them and you do not argue too strongly, and to use their unusual self-control to stand your point of view. Taurus woman is very romantic, she does not like the things she has lost. She has very keen senses, the true nature of things that would appeal to her interest in her that no plastic flowers. Taurus is also the characteristics of a Pisces constellation shallow fantasy. The constellation of the boys is very reliable and very cute girl, is entrusted to a life-long lover. Taurus people of color, a design sense of things and life has a mood of feeling. Taurus people is always quiet, in fact, they are also lively and crazy side. Safe movement. Taurus people are usually very sweet smile, because they will only really happy thing worth laughing, and they are giving very comfortable within, with a little bit of sweet feeling. The surface they look very strong and very calm, but is actually a very soft heart. Taurus women can easily moved to tears, it is easy to integrate into the situation. But they will try to conceal, unless unable to hold back, only this side of Taurus the performance of girls in front of the other half. Taurus like the kind the United States as they taste the same people who like the same stable as they have patience and endurance of the people. Taurus always such a friendly, loving, trust

  Taurus is the most practical, utilitarian and sensual sign in the zodiac. The ruler of this sign is Venus, on her earthy side. Its natural house is the 2nd house. Taurus is based on the earth element.
Taurus persons tend to be strongly hedonistic, cool customers. They live primarily through the pleasures of their senses. This is the more solid and pragmatic sign in the zodiac. It brings a lot of practicality and earthly sensibility. It is very utilitarian and seeks real, useful results for its efforts. This sign may be seen as lazy by some, but that is because it is strongly motivated by reward, and lack of such prize for its efforts tends to drain it of energies. A chart energized by strong Aries influences can alleviate this.

This sign is not psychologically equipped to deal with conflict and suffering, which reveal its more neurotic, sometimes brutal side. It does not take well to threats, to disrespect or to rigid or overly burdensome demands, and can be quite resentful in the face of these. This is much more a sign of love and pleasure, where he usually much prefers to dwell, but badly afflicted charts can reveal that more problematic side.

Taureans have a great longing to something special, exciting. This is the grounds for the great possessiveness within this sign, as anything that's considered special to them is held dearly, fiercely protected. On this basis, this sign also tends to be faithful, and it is usually rather respectful as well. It is usually a strongly loyal sign, but only until it starts feeling disrespected or encroached upon, then the rebellious side can undermine this.

Natural Taurus really hates discomfort, and can become quite preoccupied with avoiding it. These natives tend to dislike hard work, and often seek a way to delegate it. They are more inclined to seek occupation in fields they like, so that it does not become too much of a pain. Strong Saturn influences may aleviate these tendencies to some degree, whereas a strong Pluto can make the personality more masochistic in this respect. Taurus is usually a subscriber to "slowly but surely". It usually prefers to hold back than to risk himself.

There is some reserve in the Taurus personality, which is in effect a preservative and protective disposition. There is a strong dislike of unapproved external encroachment upon their personal space, which is very important in this sign. Taurus can be pretty good at keeping secrets. As of the protective demeanor of this sign there is a natural tendency to see things as more grave than they actually are, and may get annoyed by things a bit too easily.

Most Taureans have a good, earthy sense of humor. Earthy humor is one that is keen and tends to have sophisticated edges.

As of the neurotic structure of this sign, these natives may be emotionally susceptible to superstition.

Taurus tends to love animals a lot.

  Taurus 金牛座Birth: Apr. 21 - May 21Personality :Taurus is the second sign of the zodiac, representing growth and development. Taurus is patient, reliable, warmhearted, loving, persistent, and determined. It does'nt like changes, given its reserved and practical nature. Taureans show a great interest in all physical matters. Taurus is faithful to friends and lovers. However, when insulted Taureans remember it forever. No other sign in the zodiac is closer to earth than Taurus. Taurus is ruled by Venus and seeks harmony with its surroundings. Taureans like being part of a team. However, they have a reputation for stubbornness. Taureans are good teachers, scientists, designers, and chefs.






双鱼座是一个典型的水象星座,他们通常来说是比较敏感、情感丰富的人。在恋爱中,他们往往会寻找一个能够给予他们安全感的伴侣,与他们一同构建一个稳定而美好的未来。 在恋爱中,不同的星座之间的契合度其实是非常重要的,因为它们的性格和个性之间的匹配程度,能够决定他们是否能够顺利地走到一起,并在一起保持长久的


3月,气温开始回升,天气逐渐适宜。除此之外,3月还有一些特殊的节日和庆典活动,比如国际妇女节以及圣帕特里克节等。对于很多人来说,3月也意味着新的开始,是制定计划和目标,接受新挑战的时机。 在我们的生活中,大家都希望能够有一个家,过上更加美好高品质的生活。然而,我们的运势与梦想的实现紧密相关。因


双鱼座是一个具有浪漫情怀和充满幻想的星座,他们渴望找到一份真挚的爱情,能够全心全意地对待对方,但也因此感情较不稳定,容易受到外界因素的影响。不过,对于适合自己的星座,双鱼座却能够成为一对如胶似漆的恩爱组合。 巨蟹座 巨蟹座也是一个水象星座,和双鱼座在个性及思考模式方面都很类似。蟹子重视安稳与实际






3月是春季的开始,气温开始回升,天气也变得更加宜人。3月还有一些特别的节日和庆祝活动,例如国际妇女节、圣帕特里克节等。对于很多人来说,3月也是一个新的开始的时机,可以制定新的计划和目标,迎接新的挑战。那么,3月十二星座的运势如何,你又将面临什么样的挑战呢,一起进去今天的专题了解下吧。 在我们的生活


喜欢新鲜感的星座,常常需要注意,因为他们在恋爱中也需要这种新鲜感。以下为五大最爱新鲜感的星座排名: 双子座 双子座的人喜欢变化,无法忍受枯燥无味的生活。但这种变化不一定需要很大,只要稍作改变就能让他们感到新鲜感。例如在一次旅行中,如果这次是晴天,下次再去同样的地方下雨天,这样的改变对感性的双子座


领悟不同星座的特性和性格是人们对于自身择偶的重要参考。让我们来看看哪些星座更容易讨异性喜欢。 双子座 不管是男性还是女性,双子座都具备着极强的适应能力和应变能力。他们反应快、机智,思想广泛、善解人意,拥有着多才多艺和学习机敏的个性。性格活泼开朗、嘴巴甜,尤其是具备着与众不同的幽默感,了解异性的心理,


爱老婆是新好男人的顾家表现!是尊重老婆的最高指导原则!每个女人都希望自己的丈夫是一个真正的顾家好男人,一个愿意为家庭奉献、尊重老婆、照顾家人的男人。那么,哪个星座男在结婚后会变得更加依赖老婆,即使吵架也愿意放下身段去尽量哄着老婆呢? 第一名:天蝎座 天蝎座生性精明能干,任何事情交到他手上,都能处
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