今日生肖相冲查询 2020年4月9日
Gregorian calendar April 4, 2020 Chinese lunar March 17th Thursday
What is today: Ma
What is rushing today: Ma Richong Bingzi) mouse
today's time contrast table
23: 00-00: 59, renzi, Chong (Bingwu) horse, Shanan, Jinkui zodiac, Ji (When the sun breaks)
ugly time 01: 00-02: 59, gui ugly time, Chong (Ding Wei) sheep, Shadong, Tiande zodiac, auspicious
in time 03: 00-04 : 59, Jiayinshi, Chong (Wu Shen) monkey, Shabei, Shaxi, noble zodiac, auspicious
chen time 07: 00-08: 59, Bingchen time, Chong (Gengxu) dog, Sha South, Tianluo Underworld, fierce
圳 时 09: 00-10: 59, Ding Sishi, Chong (Xinhai) pig, Shadong, cut off the underworld, fierce
11: 00- 12:59, at the end of the afternoon, Chong (Renzi) rat, Shabei, Siming Huangdao, Ji
Wei Shi 13: 00-14: 59, Ji Wei, Chong (Guigui) Niu, Sha West, Gou Chen underworld, fierce
15: 00-16: 59, Gengshen, Chong (Jiayin) Tiger, Sha Nan, Qinglong Zodiac, Ji
Unit 17:00 18:59, Xin Youshi, Chong (B (Mao) Rabbit, Shadong, Mingtang ecliptic, auspicious
戌 19: 00-20: 59, Renxu, Chong (Bingchen) dragon, Shabei, Tianluo underworld, fierce
At 21: 00-22: 59 in the time of Hai, in Guihai, Chong (Ding Si) snake, Shaxi, Suzaku underworld, fierce
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